Public Prompt #001 - Water
Public Prompt #001 Water
Be a Collaborator!
Human beings are 70 something percent water, and so much of our ways of understanding our own lives uses the language of water. Your present life might feel like calm waters or like you’re just trying to keep your head above water. You might be feeling a lot of flow in your life or you might be feeling like you’re drowning. You might feel effervescent, floating free, set adrift, or you might be feeling the ripple effect of some great act of kindness or pain.
There is ample language to describe both the joyful and challenging parts of our life through the metaphors and similes of water. So…
Here’s what to do:
Describe your current life experience or circumstance through the language of water.
Send your descriptions to and feel free to get creative with this and send me any photos, artwork, videos, poetry or whatever else to help articulate your idea. You can also submit your descriptions in the box below. I encourage you to be as authentic and vulnerable as you comfortably can, and I promise I will receive your submissions gratefully and will treat them kindly. There isn’t a deadline to submit. Thank you for considering making a submission! It really means more than you know.
You might be asking… What are you going to do with this?
The artwork for Phase 2 of the project will be in part a response to Public Prompts, so your submissions will directly shape the focus of the project. Also, I will be reposting many of the submissions here on the website. Your submissions could also be printed and added to the crowd sourced library in the final exhibition at Peabody Essex Museum (Zines might also be printed and available on this website.)
The project uses public prompts as research to learn about our relationship with and within nature - your possible submissions being a vital part of this process. Make sense? Feel free to send me any questions on the contact page. If you want to submit anonymously or if you want to submit but don’t want your submission posted, shared, or published at Peabody Essex Museum or on this website - no problem, please make a note when submitting. (Otherwise, any submissions received without a note may be used within these various formats of the project.)
Thank you for considering being a part of the project.
I am grateful for your willingness to share.
***Below the Submission form is a collection of submission from Peabody Essex Staff to get your imagination going!***
Also! For further context or inspiration for “Why water?”
Watch this film created for the project about water by Maek* and read these posts A, B, C
Submit Here:
Here is a collection of submissions from the staff
at the Peabody Essex Museum from our project launch meeting:
(PS They had a different prompt than you, but it was still water themed)
(PPSS Thanks to all the PEM folks for their submissions)