Two Sparrows - A Meditation

Two Sparrows - A Meditation

I‘ve been living with sparrows lately…

…Out our living room window, and on the street…

…We’ve been together as there’s a lot of heavy things / beautiful in the world right now. The tragedy in New Zealand, the first day of spring, the sky full of colors, the human bodies all living in the city around us - both hurting and thriving, the bare limbs of the trees, the sparrows flying branch to branch…

…I wrote a poem about an experience I had on my walk to work the other day…

Two Sparrows

I walked past two sparrows on the street
One of them dead, one of them standing 
next the body of the other. As I approached, 
the living bird flew to a nearby branch, 
and I watched her, as she watched me. 
Once I  passed them, a few paces up the street, 
I glanced back over my shoulder and saw the living bird 
fly back to the body of her mate again, and resume the vigil, 
standing only inches away, her wings twitching.

…and I made a short film about the sparrows I’ve been living with…

…Today as much of the world is hurting and much of the world is also experiencing the joy of the coming spring, along with every other emotion and experience under the sun (literally) and supermoon (also literally)…

… May you find space in your own life to hold all of it. May you find space to hold the joy and suffering of others. May you expand in your capacity to be with the world, and also your own inner world. May today be an earthy-rich day for you, full of all of it, like good soil turned over with the compost of hard days and good. May you feel all the things you need to feel. May you live with the sparrows today like close friends, also experiencing it all too.

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